Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Greatest Decision

The Decision to Lose Weight

     I made the decision to lose weight around the middle of March 2014. I was disappointed in the way I looked and decided to make an appointment to receive some assistance on how I should be eating because honestly I probably had the poorest eat habits possible. As a Junior in high school, I weighed approximately 310.7 pounds. This result shocked me and I felt absolutely terrible about myself. One of the causes of this obesity was that I had suffered a torn meniscus and MCL during football, so I just laid in my room for 3 months and didn't do anything except eat. After that day at the doctor's office, I decided to completely change both my eating habits as well as my exercise routines. Losing weight was not as difficult as I thought it would be because I had tried losing weight before and I could not do it so I just concluded that I was destined to be big and could only become even bigger. The result was amazing!

The Dedication and Way

     I had to lose this weight. Like I stated, I weight over 300 pounds at the age of 17. I immediately started eating extremely healthy. I had sacrificed a lot of types of foods. I did not eat any bread of any sort. I stopped eating pizza, candy, ice cream, desserts, chips and pretty much anything that was unhealthy for me. I made a transition from eating cookies and brownies for breakfast and ate a banana with peanut butter and a bottle of water instead. I also started to jog around the village that I lived in daily as well as football conditioning and lifting once I was able to return. During the summer  going into my Senior year, I started doing field maintenance on the high school baseball field for the Babe Ruth baseball teams. I worked in the sweltering heat for many hours a day dragging the field, lining, mowing, taking tarps off the field, and then cleaning the field after games. So, with all of this physical activity I was doing, the weight disappeared rather quickly. I lost my first 15 pounds in about 3 weeks and I was amazed because I didn't even feel like I was trying to lose weight. In all honesty, I felt like I was just living life ordinarily. After this result, I was obsessed with losing weight and wanted to keep doing it. I was eating around 1,500 calories a day and I consumed around 10 bottles of water a day. I was able to silence my constant hunger by being active.

Before and After

                               Before (301.7 lbs)                         After (215.3 lbs)

As you can see I made a magnificent transformation and could not be happier with what I have done with myself. I am still trying to lose around another 15 pounds and I am fully determined to achieve that goal. However, what I have noticed is how your appearance effects the way people treat you. When you are as big as I was,people tend to find you gross and unattractive and this is not good for trying to find relationships. I wouldn't say that is exactly "right" but that is how society works today. But, losing this weight has helped me acquire my first girlfriend and I could not be happier with that. I was also able to perform much better without carrying all of that extra unnecessary weight. It also helped my emotional and mental wellness as well as my physical health. Losing weight was the best decision I have ever made, easily!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Social Media Concerns

Concerning Interactions using Social Media

What's the use of Social Media?

People all around the world use social media pretty much every single day. It has become such a popular tool to use in everyday life. The use of social media apps on smart devices allows people to connect from all over the world and has become a rather important tool for businesses to advertise. People tend to use these for entertainment, learning, using creative ideas from others, and also just communicating with other people.

Why interactions through social media is a concern:

Interacting on social media can be fun and can lead to many positive things or assistance from friends. However, some tend to use this type of communication to treat others rather terribly. If you use social media then you have seen the unnecessary comments made by insecure people and you know what I mean. Every single day you can look on some type of social media and see discrimination, or just straight bullying by people who have no respect or reason to comment on someone because they are not any better than anyone else. Sometimes hazing on social media can become so bad that it can lead to suicide. 

The use of social media brings so much more drama and stress into people's lives as well. With all the sub-tweets about people and tweeting of problems with relationships just so that that person can gain some type of attention, which in some cases attention is needed to help a problem but posting a vague tweet on twitter about your problem is not the attention that is needed to help with this problem, it is just a way for the person that posts it to have some attention because people today tend to always seek/need some kind of attention whether be good or bad. People tend to be more brave about commenting on something through social media rather than in person because they are not around the person at that time and for some reason people seem to act like they are a lot tougher when they are on twitter talking crap to someone because everyone can see what they say. This all comes back to wanting/needing some sort of attention. Everyone wants to be popular and have thousands and thousands of followers on every single social media app. Social media causes drama in relationships, as well. One side of the couple will tweet, retweet, or favorite something that is used to be secretly directed toward the other side of the relationship and then that couple starts fighting and its all just unnecessary. Some couple's today tend to care more about how many likes they get on a picture of them together on Instagram rather than how happy they are with that person when they are actually with them. The use of man crush monday's and women crush wednesday's cause so much drama between couples too. This is because if you do not post a picture showing that your "crush" on a certain day isn't the person you are in a relationship with then jealousy or annoyance seems to come into effect because people want that attention. Relationships today are based so much on what other people see on social media. Like for instance, today people want you to brag about them on social media by posting pictures about them and saying how happy you are with them, whereas I would say the more "traditional" way of showing your love off and how you appreciate that person by taking them somewhere and being polite and gentleman-like and showing how happy you are in person and not caring what others say about you because your happiness and the happiness of the other person you are in love with should be what matters the most. NOT what other people think about how good you look or how annoying of a couple you are on social media. There's so much drama and so many things that are so unnecessary about interacting through social media and people become so caught up in it that it is ridiculous. I tend not to use social media too much because I'm not interested in any of the drama that comes along with it. Occasionally, I use it to see how people are doing that I have not talked to in a while or to tag people in something that relates to common interests but that's about it. The negative affects of bullying, harassment, and drama can lead to extremely negative results and that's why I'm concerned with interacting through social media.